About me

My name is Alberto Matus, and I was born and raised in the beautiful country of Belize. I spent most of my life in the quaint, small town of San Ignacio, which I will always call home. Now I live just a few minutes away.

I’m an Information Security professional. In terms of education, I hold a Master’s Degree in Cybersecurity with a concentration in Digital Forensics from the University of South Florida and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of the People. I believe this is the end of academic studies for me unless I get some sponsorship for a Ph.D. So if you’re willing to sponsor me – I’m all ears :). I did say “academic” studies, but I do believe in lifelong learning. We got to learn whatever we can every day!

The purpose of this medium is to create a platform for collecting technical knowledge (security, technology, and business). I believe that being able to share thoughts, ideas, and knowledge is one of the most fundamental ways that we can contribute to society. In essence, it becomes a pool of knowledge that a significant number of people can use in some way or the other.

Secondly, through this medium, you can also reach out to me for work. Be it technical, training, or consulting services. I’m open to remote, on-site, and retainer types of agreements. I have a home office where all the magic happens, but understanding that not all work can be done remotely I’m readily available for field work both in Belize and outside.

Some of my interests:

Besides Tech …

  • Boxing – Probably the only sport I watch on a consistent basis. Two favorites in my younger years were Joe Calzaghe and Sergio Martinez. Though, much respect for Saul Alvarez.
  • Photography – Definitely not a pro. But if and when I do have the time and a subject I try my best.
  • Huskies! Belize is not  Alaska. But I’m the owner of four huskies.
  • I follow the works of Dr. David Sinclair. His work on understanding why we age and how we can slow the effects is fascinating. I feel like he’s on to something.
A few notable sources and material that have had an impact on how I view life :

With that said …

Find what you love and let it kill you!

Charles Bukowski